If you are a business owner, we are excited to announce that Fortis’ Furnace Replacement Rebate offer is being expanded to include...

April 25th Is Hug A Plumber Day
Nationaltoday.com reminds us why we love national hug a plumber day! We can't do without them - There are some plumbing problems that...

Earth Day
In honour or Earth day, we thought we’d let you know of some water-saving tips you might find useful: Shower bucket - Instead of letting the

NEW Income Qualified Rebates
FortisBC, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada have teamed to provide some exciting new rebates!

Super Hero Down The Toilet?
If a hard object like a toothbrush, comb or toy plugs a toilet or drain, a plunger may not be the solution—it might only push the obstructio

Proactive Tips For Better AC Performance
Goodbye winter! It's time to start thinking about your air conditioner :) Here are some proactive AC tips from Trane.

Spring has sprung!
Before you turn on your hose bib this season make sure it didn't freeze over winter. Have a hose connected with the nozzle turned off an

Join Our Team!
We're looking for a full time call taker and administrative assistant to work in our office Monday-Friday with the flexibility of call t

Ever Wonder What It Looks Like Inside Your Pipes?
There are a few reasons you may want to know what it looks like inside your sewer pipes. (1) Main Drain Back Up If everything is working...

Looking for Instant Hot Water?
We can install a Grundfos Comfort System for you! The Grundfos Comfort System is a pump and valve combination that delivers you hot water in