Your Local Navien Service Specialists!
In the market for a tankless water heater, combi-boiler, or boiler? We are proud to be your local Navien Service Specialists! Since...

Happy 1 Month Until Christmas!
For all your plumbing, heating, and cooling needs give us a call at Service First Tradeworks Ltd. (250) 832-5558 or (250) 675-3668. We...

Register for your double rebate promo code by December 31, 2020!!
Just a reminder if you are looking to make energy-efficiency improvements, this is the year! FortisBC has double rebates for a limited...

No Matter How Low The Temperature Drops
No matter how low the temperature drops, you can trust that your Trane HVAC system will withstand any harsh winter weather, because you...

Keep Your Heat Inside!
With freezing temperatures surprising us already it's time to pay attention to keeping warm air in and cold air out!

In Case You Missed It!
Dave was on the radio!!! Click the play button below to check it out :)

Give Thanks!
We are thankful for you! For all your plumbing, heating, and cooling needs give us a call at Service First Tradeworks Ltd. (250)...

BREAKING NEWS!!! Fortis Rebates Have Doubled!!!
If this is your year for energy-efficiency improvements, you’re in luck. FortisBC is offering double rebates for a limited time! If you...

What Temperature Should I Set My Thermostat To In The Winter?
As temperatures start dropping it's time to turn on the heat! According to ENERGY STAR, setting your thermostat to 20 degrees Celsius (68...

Coming to a mailbox near you!
Watch for us on the front of your new YellowPages phone book and Say Hello to Service! For all your plumbing, heating, and cooling needs...