How to Prevent Clogged Toilets & Effluent Pumps
To prevent toilets & effluent pumps from clogging, only flush items that are actually flushable such as human waste and toilet paper. You should also only flush small amounts at a time.
Some items claim to be flushable but may still cause clogs! To determine if things like your baby wipes or feminine hygiene products are flushable you can leave them in a bowl of water for an hour or so and see if they disintegrate. If not, they shouldn't go down the toilet! Your safest bet is to avoid flushing them anyway!
Did someone flush something they shouldn't have and you can't retrieve it? No problem at all! We're here to help :) Give us a call at (250) 832-5558 or (250) 675-3668 for all your plumbing, heating, and cooling needs!