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Limiting Our Gas Usage

Gas Flame

In light of the recent pipeline rupture October 8th, 2018 Fortis is asking all gas customers to limit their gas usage. For full details check out

Fortis understands that reducing our gas use can be difficult during the winter months. Here are some simple ways to help us reduce our consumption.

​Turn off the th​ermostat

  • Fortis recognizes that in some parts of BC it may be impractical to turn off thermostats completely due to cold weather. Where possible they're asking customers to set their thermostat no higher than 20° C when home and awake and no more than 17° C when out or asleep.

If you don't have a programable thermostat, give us a call! We can install one for you, and you can set your temperatures to change automatically :).

​Wear a​ sweater

  • The simplest way to stay warm is to reach for a sweater instead of the thermostat. If you’re still cold, blankets and socks are a great way to insulate you against the chill.

​Heat only the rooms ​you’re in

  • Close warm air supply registers in rooms you’re not using. Avoid heating non-insulated spaces such as a garage, crawl space, attic or storage shed.

Don't close too many vents though! Depending on your heating system there may be a risk of overheating your furnace.

​Take shorte​r showers

  • Using less hot water will help conserve our natural gas supply. Limit daily showers to five minutes and you’ll save water and reduce your natural gas use.


  • Use the energy​-saving mode when your dishes are less dirty.

  • Run your dishwasher only when it's full.

​Clothes washer/dryer

  • Wash laundry in cold water.

  • Always wash full loads to help save energy.

  • Use lower heat settings on your natural gas dryer, such as permanent press.

One last tip!

If you have an older furnace, the best thing to do would be to replace it with a new high efficiency one. Now is the time! There are still rebates available from Fortis until the end of the year! Give us a call at Service First Tradeworks Ltd. (250) 832-5558 or (250) for your free in home estimate :)

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