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BIO-CLEAN - Industrial Strength Naturally Safe!

Have you heard of Bio-Clean?  Bio-Clean is the pro-active solution for your waste system.  It is an all natural friendly bacteria mixed with enzymes and other helpers that eats though waste matter in your pipes!  Most people neglect their waste system.  When they need to most, it fails (Sundays, holidays, when entertaining guests, etc.)  You may not know it, but you need Bio-Clean right now :)  Bio-Clean needs time to clean up years of accumulated waste.  Start using it now and continue using it periodically and it will keep your pipes and septic systems clean :)  

We love this product and highly recommend it! BIO-CLEAN is a 100% Environmentally Safe: drain, septic tank and septic field cleaner that is harmless to all living things!

Check out this clip of Bio-Clean on Discovery Channel!

*Please note: Friendly bacteria cannot repair broken pipes, mechanical defects, or digest inorganic materials such as plaster, glass or plastic that can sometimes end up down a drain.  

Give us a call (250) 832-5558 or (250) 675-3668 to start using Bio-Clean today!



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