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Is A Heat Pump Right For You?

With the current BC Hydro rebate for installing a heat pump there is a lot of interest, but is a heat pump the best heating source for you? Understanding that every home and homeowner need is different, here are some general recommendations that can help you decide what heating source is right for you.


A heat pump, as part of a central heating and cooling system, uses the outside air to both heat a home in winter and cool it in summer. Think of a heat pump as a heat transporter constantly moving warm air from one place to another, to where it’s needed or not needed, depending on the season. In the winter, the pump extracts heat from the outdoor air or ground and distributes it to your home. In the summer, hot air from inside your home is removed – creating a cooler indoor environment.


A furnace, as part of a central heating and cooling system, converts fuel into cozy heat that’s then delivered throughout your home.

INSTALLATION COST The overall installation cost of your furnace or heat pump depends heavily on your home’s compatibility and current system setup. For instance, some homes may not have access to natural gas, making an air conditioner and furnace installation a more expensive alternative to a heat pump system. Alternatively, homes that are not wired for the supplemental heating associated with a heat pump system may incur additional costs. Your dealer is an excellent resource for determining which system(s) are best for your home and can help further explain these installation costs.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY Under ideal conditions, a heat pump can transfer 300 percent more energy than it consumes. In contrast, a high-efficiency gas furnace is about 95 percent efficient. Heat pumps are powered by electricity, so you can save substantially on fuel consumption. It’s over 100 percent efficient in various temperate climates and can serve as both a heater and air conditioner.


The same Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) considerations can be made for both your heat pump or gas furnace system. Products such as a whole-home air cleaner or fresh air ventilator are great options when it comes to maximizing your home’s air quality!


A gas furnace burns fuel so it can generate heat on the coldest days. If the outside air temperature routinely falls below freezing, a heat pump may have a hard time generating enough heat to keep your home warm. Supplemental systems are available to work in tandem with your heat pump and kick in on the coldest days. Unfortunately, these systems use a lot of energy – canceling out the energy-efficient benefits if used too often.


In general, the air from a heat pump isn’t as hot as what you get from a gas furnace. It’s still warming your home, but it “blows cooler.” Some people don’t like that. In contrast to the hot and dry air of a furnace, heat pumps circulate air that’s naturally humid.


A gas-fired furnace generally has a longer lifespan than a heat pump. Furnaces with proper maintenance can last 20 years or more. A heat pump, like an air conditioner, more commonly has a lifespan of 15 years. Since the heating elements of a gas-operated furnace are only used for a few months out of each year, the maintenance requirements are less than those for a heat pump. A gas-fired furnace also has fewer mechanical parts than a heat pump, meaning fewer things that can break down or malfunction.


A heat pump may be right for you if you live in a mild climate.

If your winters average around 30 to 40 degrees F (-1 to 4.5 degrees C), heat pumps could be the perfect fit for your home. A climate that has milder winters works well for a heat pump. In addition, locations with low electric rates are prime candidates for heat pumps.

A furnace may be right for you if you live in a cold climate.

If your winters are bitterly cold and have temperatures consistently below freezing a furnace may be the best choice for you. Furnaces fare better in cold-weather climates because they don’t depend on the outdoor temperatures to convert to heat.

Your best resource for choosing the ideal heating solution for your home is your local Trane Comfort Specialist :). Give us a call at Service First Tradeworks Ltd. for a customized recommendation based on the specific needs of your home. (250) 832-5558 or (250) 675-3668.



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