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Navien Boiler Before & After - Squilax General Store and Hostel

Once upon a Time… There was a wooden Store built by the CPR Railway Tracks in Squilax. It was owned by a not so nice man, Mr. Craig, who was found shot one morning long ago in 1928. Along came a family called the Herrings. Clifford Herring would cruise the Shuswap with his wooden runabout, with his wife, Wilhelmina, wearing her Sunday best. Disaster struck in the spring of 1935, when the store burnt down.

The Herring’s rebuilt the store down by the River using bricks from Enderby. Squilax General Store and Hostel also provides unique dorms are in three converted Canadian National cabooses as sleeping quarters. Throughout the years, the Store provided supplies and wonderful memories: cheese being cut from large blocks, penny jar for Bennett’s taxes, metal floor for cork boots, and penny candy being taped to children’s bike handle bars.

Thanks to the installation of a new Navien NCB-240E, 95% efficient condensing combination, tankless boiler. New CPVC 636 venting. Repiping in the boiler room for better operation and zone isolation/air removal complete with new NaviClean magnetic boiler filter, isolation valve kit, circulation pump, air scoop, auto air vents, feed water valve, check valve, relief valve and cushion tank the store is ready to create memories for the next Century!

For all your plumbing, heating, and cooling needs give us a call at Service First Tradeworks Ltd. (250) 832-5558 or (250) 675-3668.



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